会社概要 Company
会社名 Company Name
代表 Owner
Shirou Yoshida
Arita is a basin surrounded by the 360° to the mountain. Years it took to fill the inclined surface of the mountain in the terraced rice fields, says that it as much as the history of porcelain. The outside of the mountain is such as Sasebo and Imari. So, you want to bypass the mountain, and not the crosses mountains, does not get out from here Arita.
In addition it was limiting the region when it comes to the Edo era “clan kiln”. Fathered barrier, to protect the technology, it’s was a good place convenient. 400 years of history, do you long be? Further that before Kobo Daishi visited of is listed in the past book Ryusenji.
It will continue to place a new history from here Arita.

事業内容 Contents of business
- 最高級携帯用の書道用品の開発・販売(硯・墨・筆など)
The finest development and sales of calligraphy supplies portable (ink stone, ink, brush, etc.) - 書道教室の主催
Organizer of calligraphy classroom - 業務用卸
Business for wholesale
創業 Since
設立 Established
沿革 History
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